Kriya Universe

Elevate Your Journey

A dedicated app created by a Kriyaban, for Kriyabans, enabling them to monitor their spiritual journey and find inspiration in their own progress.

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Blending Devotion & Technology


Hello, fellow seekers of truth and self-realization! I am thrilled to share a piece of my journey and the inception of a project very close to my heart, aimed at fostering deeper personal connections and spiritual growth. I invite you to learn more about my story, understand the ‘Why’ behind this endeavor, and join the waitlist for an app that encapsulates years of devotion, learning, and experience.

My Journey

I am a 35-year-old Kriyaban, a devoted practitioner since 2021, who has immersed himself in over 800 hours of meditation and completed 8000 Kriyas and 120 hours of energy exercises in the last three years. Currently, I serve as an Usher at an Online Meditation Center and am the official photographer of the Seattle SRF center.By profession, I am a software engineer, having spent 11 years at Amazon, navigating a successful career and leading impactful projects.

My guiding principles

  • 1. Numbers don't lie.

  • 2. What you can measure is what you improve.

  • 3. Visible motivation is the most effective one.

  • 4. Goals come and go but process remains.

  • 5. It is all about art of habit building.

These principles have been my guiding lights, helping me evolve from starting meditation for 5 minutes to now a daily practice of 2 hours.

Kriya Universe - Elevate your journey

An innovative app enabling Kriyabans to monitor their spiritual journey and find inspiration in their own progress.

I amalgamated the wisdom from Guruji's teachings (Lesson 20, 24 and 29), my experiences with various tools and technology, and insights from other sources, investing 1500$ of my own money to bring this idea to life through a tangible mobile app design.

App Walkthrough

1. Register - Login

Trust is paramount, and rest assured, security is our top priority. The registration is straightforward, requiring users to upload a photo of their Kriya card—a one-time process for life.

2. Open the App

Upon opening, the home page greets you with a plethora of offerings. A wisdom message from the spiritual diary graces your screen, providing daily inspiration. Additionally, you’ll find a snapshot of your progress, displaying the number of Kriyas performed—a number I hold in high regard. As Guru Ji mentioned in the Autobiography of a Yogi, the Kriyas performed in this life carry forward until we reach the number required for our liberation.

3. Execution of the Teachings:

This section is where you record your daily progress through a 3-part system: Morning Routine - Live Your Day - Evening Routine. It’s a structured approach , following exact instruction of sequence from Kriya Lesson 2 to ensure the consistent execution of teachings and to keep track of your spiritual practices.


Truth resides here, especially when one feels stagnation in their Saadhna. By examining the data, you can discern where improvements are needed or where more efforts are required. It’s a mirror reflecting your spiritual journey, aiding in self-assessment and growth.


KriyaUniverse is more than just an app; it’s a companion in your spiritual journey, a tool that empowers you to live the teachings, track your progress, and find inspiration in your own journey. It’s about creating a collective environment of growth, progress, and inspiration.